Boy, have I said that more than a few times in the past few years . . .
What I mean this time is the blogging thing -- keeping up with it, developing interesting topics, and finding the energy to do it. I have started a few topics, but then I get distracted and don't finish them . . . or I don't develop the blog the way I want . . . or I just get tired and don't get back to the computer.
I want to keep up with the blog, but -- DUDE -- it's hard for me these days.
I mentioned a few weeks ago that we have a new schedule. But it's more than that. I feel like we are in a transition phase right now . . . moving from the world of babies to the would of kids. Once, my life revolved around nap times and feeding schedules . . . but now it is more about preschool carpool and dance class start times. I feel like we are entering new territory. And with Kindergarten for Big only two seasons away, I feel like things are just beginning to change.
I'm more tired these days. I have so much more to juggle. I laugh when I look back and think how 'hard' things were before . . . not that they weren't hard, but at the fact that I ever thought they'd get easier. Some stuff is so very much easier . . . but it's been replaced by other things that are as hard as ever.
So, I'm no longer worrying about how I'm going to get through an evening with a 2 yr old and a newborn . . . but now I'm worrying about delivering snack to the preschool lassroom in time (and was it one of the approved snacks? is it healthy? will they eat it?) so that I can get back to the gym for Kate's gymnastics class, and will we have enough time to stop at the store so that I can pick up what I need to make a dinner for a neighbor and a refreshment for our tennis match the next day. I have to unpack backpacks and fulfill preschool requests in the evening while I try to make a sensible dinner for the girls, and try and find time to return a phone call or answer an email before I loose all my motivation and end up vegging on the couch (and, ultimately, falling asleep).
Somehow, blogging gets forgotten at times.
I know, I know. Those of you with older kids may laugh at this -- I realize it's only starting to be crazy this way. That's why I said I feel like we are in a transition. It's going to get nuts around here in the next few years, I can feel it.
Thank God for good friends, great neighbors, car pools, and play dates. Those are the things I'm relying on to get me through the elementary and middle school years. I know I won't be able to do this alone!
Please bear with me. I pledged to be back to blogging -- but, I must admit: It's harder than I thought!
Spring Mini Sessions – Spring 2015
10 years ago
It's all good. I combined a post and favorite photo Friday tonight to kill two birds with one stone. :0)