Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This COULD Make it Official

Here she is: our big girl at her first soccer game. As I drove home from Quest Park and an hour of soccer fun, I wondered . . . does this officially make me a 'Soccer Mom' ??

Big is playing Smidgets Soccer -- 4/5 Yr Olds, no cleats, no score, 1/2 field soccer. Jim was a HUGE soccer player in his youth . . . his family literally traveled all over the country for his tournaments and games, and he even pursued college scholarships in the sport. He loves it. As a matter of fact, one of my memories from Big's birth was that the World Cup Soccer games were on our hospital room TV all morning . . . Jim was so excited to be at the hospital w/me so he could watch them all day. Seeing the birth of our child was exciting for him, too.

Anyway, Jim has been stoked about having a soccer playing kid since the girls were each born. And Sunday, it finally happened.

They do start soccer leagues in our area at age 3 -- but I just thought Big was not big enough for soccer last year. I envisioned myself running up and down the sidelines, reminding her that the ball was not HERS and that, yes, the other kids could kick it. We waited until the 4 year old program, and I think it was a wise move. Yesterday was a bit overwhelming for all the kids -- including Big -- and I think trying to do this a year ago would have been insane for us.

The picture above captured only a momentary breakdown -- because someone else got her ball. See? Big reminded me quickly that it's 4 year old soccer. We all have a lot to learn. Luckily, she recovered quickly and there was no more crying after the warm ups were complete.

They started with stretching, received their own individual balls, working on dribbling, then set up the game. It's 3 on 3 soccer -- there are 3 girls and 3 boys on our team -- so everyone gets to play plenty. Two fifteen minute halfs and a halftime in the middle. The total time commitment for the kids and parents is one hour each Sunday, which I think is completely age appropriate.

Oh? And did I mention? Jim is the coach.

During registration, I learned that coaches are always needed -- and since it was on a Sunday (an almost-never-travel day), I thought Jim might be up for it. I mean, he's so psyched about having our kids play soccer, I thought he might like to consider the coaching opportunity. Without hesitation, he signed up for the job. I was so proud of him -- taking on six 4 or 5 year olds is not easy, but he wouldn't miss it for the world. He's been nervous about it the past week or so . . . what to bring for snack, how to organized the kids . . . but it all fell in to place on Sunday with no problems. Jim was even complimented by some other parents about how he handled it all. Again, he makes me proud.

Once the skills session was complete and the game started, the kids were like a little clump of blue and black, huddled around the ball. There is no position playing, no strategy to learn. They just run wherever the ball is and try with all their might to get a good kick in. We are basically encouraging 2 things: don't touch the ball with your hands and kick it in the goal that belongs to YOUR team. And have fun, of course. But, by the way these kids were smiling and going at it, the fun is without question.

We all enjoyed a snack and some drinks at the end (we decided on frozen go-gurts, a big hit), and everyone looked toward our game next week.

So our first day on the fields was a success. Big had a lot of fun -- scored a goal, even! -- and Jim seemed to have a blast out there with his team. The Dragons, they are called. We all look forward to two months of cheering the Dragons toward victory . . . or at least cheering them toward the right goal.

And, by the way, I don't really consider myself a 'Soccer Mom' yet. We have to make sure the kids like the game . . . and, besides, I don't think you are truly official until you have some kind of soccer ball magnet on the back of your car.

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