Sunday, September 19, 2010


Just a quick note to record: Big scored a goal today at her soccer game!

And not like last week's goal . . . where she was just kinda standing in the vicinity of the goal and happened to get the last foot on the ball before it went in. I mean, she still gets credit for that in my book, but I'm not sure SHE even knew she kicked that one in.

Today, Big took control of the ball at mid field, dribbled it town in 4 or 5 kicks, then whacked that ball right into the goal. Go Big! It was a hard earned score, with the other 5 kids on the field dragging behind her, trying to steal her glory. But she remained in control of the ball and scored a hard fought, well earned point for her team (who doesn't keep score).

I was so proud on the sidelines, watching my big kid. And to see her little face light up when she realized what she'd done -- and when she realized that the cheering from the fans was all for her -- well, that was priceless.

Hopefully the beginning of many soccer successes to come.

But I'm not holding my breath . . . tonight at dinner, when I asked Big what her favorite part of the soccer game was, she replied with, "Ummmm . . . sitting on the sides and drinking my water from my Princess water bottle. (pause) And snack after the game. (pause) Who is bringing snack next week, Daddy?"

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